

Celebrating First Responders

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National First Responders Day recognizes the heroic women and men who make it their priority to take action when disaster strikes. Today we have the privilege of chatting with Dr. Tiffany McCalla, an Emergency room physician, wife, mother and founder of Calla Genics, a wellness practice specializing in natural anti-aging and regenerative therapies, including Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). We are also thrilled to welcome George Anthony, affectionately called “Big G. Anthony”. He’s a best-selling author of “The Bullet Proof Mindset” and 20-year veteran in law enforcement who shares his story of moving from adversity to abundance, and how he now coaches others to shift their mindset to change their situation, and live their life to the fullest! We sit down with these two inspirational individuals for a compelling conversation and get the inside scoop on their “Skinny on Success”. Prepare to be amazed how they prioritize to create life balance while being on the front lines during a pandemic, manage their side-hustles, and how they’re hitting social justice issues head on!