Amy is a mentor, coach and network marketing leader. She specializes in helping individuals achieve their potential through personalized attention and support. Amy is also an expert in teambuilding, public speaking, corporate training, and managing teams of thousands.
Amy is a role model in the social marketing business arena.
Although the move was initially financial, Amy quickly realized significant side benefits in the areas of personal development, expanding relationships and increased confidence. The rest is history. Looking back, Amy realizes she was “stuck” for a long time, longing for more but not really knowing for “what” and certainly not knowing how to get it. It has been through this journey that Amy has become passionate about what she calls “Transitions,” in which she helps people find out what they really want in life, and then helps them get it.
Amy is an excellent choice as a coach for anyone from the college graduate to the successful executive to the stay-at-home mom. Anyone wanting to take it to the next level or have a business on their own terms is a good candidate to work with Amy.
Amy was born in Northern Jersey and graduated from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA with a bachelors in Philosophy and later earned an MBA. She is a wife to Rick Biederwolf with whom she owns two restaurants. She is also a mother to two boys, Grant and Hunter. Amy now resides in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.